100 Dungeon Doors Level 45 Solution
Pull the chain at the top to the bottom so that the chain attached to the weight load
Press the crate a few times so it shifted to the right near the heavy burden
Now press the lever on the left wall so the weight went up and down again override the crate, the crate be destroyed.
Get the key and press the door to open.
100 Dungeon Doors Walkthrough Level 45 46 47"
100 Dungeon Doors Level 46 Walkthrough
Shake your phone to the left and to the right, so that the crate was destroyed and disappeared, then grab the key and open the door.
100 Dungeon Doors Level 47 Answers
Get the torch on the left wall, then place the torch under a black box, and the key will fall down, then grab the key to unlock the door.Continue to Level 48 49 50 on 100 Dungeon Doors