Level 41 on 100 Doors Aliens Space Solution
Note any numbers in the brown box
Now press any green box to make a point
Left 3 times, top 5 times, right 6 times, bottom 9 times
Press the freehand drawing in the door, then pull the hexagon button on an empty box 3 times
100 Doors Aliens Space Level 41 42 43 44 45"
Level 42 on 100 Doors Aliens Space Walkthrough
Shake your phone to drop the jewel in the glass, then grab the green and white gems on the floor
Place the green gem in the hole on the left above to see the numbers, and then place the white gem to replace the green gem
Now press the button box, and then place the green gem on the the lights and press the number 31897
Level 43 on 100 Doors Aliens Space Solution
See the instructions on the ceiling (- | | - | | -)
Now press the two boxes at the top of the door with the order as the instructions above ceiling
Left, Right 2 times, left, right 2 times, left
Level 44 on 100 Doors Aliens Walkthrough
Press each white line in the box, and then count the number of linesPress the button box at the top of the door and press the number 17141117
Level 45 on 100 Doors Aliens Guide
Press all of the digits on the left and right of the door several timesLeft: 17 = 5 times> 13 = 1 time> 29 = 5 times
Right: 9 = 9 times> 54 = 6 times> 32 = 8 times
Continue to next 100 Doors Aliens Space Level 46 47 48 49 50 Walkthrough