Level 11 on 100 Doors Aliens Space Solution
Slide the black box from the left to the center, then press the button on the right wall, so that the black box is pulled by a magnet to the top
Sliding wooden box from the right to the middle, and then press the button, so the black box fell down upon wooden box to shreds
Take the key on the floor and use it to open the door
100 Doors Aliens Space Level 11 12 13 14 15"
Level 12 on 100 Doors Aliens Space Walkthrough
Press the white box to the left of the door, then grab the white battery
Place the battery in the robot on the right, then press the robot to rotate to front
Press the green button, so you will see the Roman numeral "I, X, V, V, V"
Now press the blue button at the top right corner, then press the number 110555
Level 13 on 100 Doors Aliens Space Solution
Press each key green or yellow
Each button press, will open two buttons
You have to take the key from button that opens only one
At this level, a key position is at a different button for each display
Level 14 on 100 Doors Aliens Walkthrough
Slide the black box to the left, just below the red button, then press the red button to lift the black box
Now tilt your phone to the left and to the right so that the position of the ball under the black box, and then press the red button to drop the box, the box will override the ball to shreds
Take the pentagon key, and place the pentagon on the door to open
Level 15 on 100 Doors Aliens Space Solution
Pressing the red button in the upper right corner using a black boxPress the white button on the right, the left, and at the top, so that the black box shifts to the left
Then press the right button, left, above, so that the box will pressing the red button
Continue to next 100 Doors Aliens Space Level 16 17 18 19 20 Walkthrough