Sunday, July 21, 2013

Endless Escape Answers Level 37 38 39

Endless Escape Level 37 Answers
Circle is in the square consists of 3 sizes small, medium, and large, and each have 3.
How the size of the circle appears on the sign?
Press each corner of the square on the right wall to make the circle disappear, then grab the key to unlock the door.

Endless Escape Level 37 38 39 Answers

Endless Escape Level 38 Walkthrough
Rotate your phone upside down to see the numbers on the frame, then add the number 30 according to the instructions on the door.
So the numbers are in the can is: 12:15 +30 = 12:45
Press all of the digits 0 to be 12:45.
Take shining locks, and use it to open the door.

Endless Escape Level 39 Solution

Rotate your phone upside down to get the key in the hole, then grab the key to unlock the door.
Continue to Stage 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 on Endless Escape, or return to the Endless Escape Answers Level 34 35 36.

Related : Endless Escape Answers Level 37 38 39