100 Dungeon Doors Level 33 Walkthrough
Press the leaves on top of the door 2 times, so it will fall 4 yellow and red gems.
Pull the leaves on the bottom branches left to right.
Now enter the red gem into the hole on the right, and enter the yellow gem to the left outlet.
100 Dungeon Doors Walkthrough Level 33 34 35"
100 Dungeon Doors Level 34 Walkthrough
Take the torch on the left wall, then place the torch in the fire, so the torch on fire,
Place the torch on a key and padlock, so the ice melts and the key will fall.
Get the key to unlock the door.
100 Dungeon Doors Level 35 Solution
Put the white gem into a blue bowl, then place it into the hole in the top of the door.Put the white gem into a red bowl, then place it into the hole in the center of door.
Put the white gem into a yellow bowl, then place it into the hole in the bottom in the door.
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