100 Dungeon Doors Level 36 Solution
Sliding rock on the left wall to the left, then place the gems in the hole on the left
Sliding rock on the right wall to the right, then place the gems in the hole on the right
100 Dungeon Doors Walkthrough Level 36 37 38"
100 Dungeon Doors Level 37 Walkthrough
Take all colored bowl one by one, and then place it on the door
Red on top, purple in the middle, yellow at the bottom.
Grab the door handle fell off, and place in the center of the door to open the door
100 Dungeon Doors Level 38 Answers
Pull the chain on the left down, so stick to the stone.Pull the chain on the right down, so stick to the lever.
Wooden sliding to the left so that the stone fell.
Now pull the lever to open the door.
Continue to Level 39 40 41 on 100 Dungeon Doors
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