Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Can You Escape Adventure Walkthrough Level 13 14 15

Can You Escape Adventure Level 13 Solution
Take a shovel in the warrior statue, watch dragon statue note with green triangles.
Digging holes in the ground, take the stone ball, watch dragon statue with a red circle.
Search to the right up and take the axe, watch dragon with a blue box.
Keep the ball in the dragon eye stone, three boxes on the dragon's body will light up in different colors: red, blue, green, replace the symbols in each square to match the instructions that you have to remember earlier, if successful, will open the Dragon's mouth, take the stone.
Look to the rock wall, use an axe to clear the branches so that the sun, fill the empty stone into place, look carefully at the tiles, reset the gold coins to form the shape of X, if successful rock and push the door open

Can You Escape Adventure Walkthrough Level 13 14 15

Can You Escape Adventure Level 14 Walkthrough
Look at to the upper left, take the stone.
Insert the stone into the hole at the bottom left, the torch will be lit and visible symbol in the column at the back of the room.
Arrange the symbols in front of the column to fit with the back, a stone staircase will appear.
Take the brush on the left wall, note the call playback stone setting instructions.
Go to the right wall, play quickly to match the instructions.
Observing the stone steps, use a brush to dust off the two stone steps without arrows, each stone will light up when you step on it. Follow the steps below:
Start C2 > B2 > B4 > D4 > D3 > A3 > A1 > C1 > C3 > C4 > A4 > A2 > D2 > D1 > B1 > B3.
if successful then the door will open.

Can You Escape Adventure Level 15 Guide

Can You Escape Adventure Level 15
Look at the crate in the middle of the room, see the pyramid-shaped puzzle under the crate, all the numbers in the circle needs to be arranged so that in the midst of a mathematical, casket will be open after all the numbers in the triangle turns green, follow the following sequence:
5 4
4 4 3
1 2 3 2
If it works, take a mirror inside the crate.
Press to the right of the screen, see the carved wall with three faces, press all three quickly buttons that light up together, if successful, would open the door in the floor, take the axe head.
Look to the left wall, take a wooden stick.
Put the mirror on the ceiling, press the mirror to make the light path, so that the light can be transferred to the wall.
Combine sticks and head axe, use axe into a luminous wall, take the winged statue.
Go back to the crate, place the statue in the light.
And look at the door is already open.
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Related : Can You Escape Adventure Walkthrough Level 13 14 15