100 Doors Seasons Level 71 Solution
Get weights at the top and right
Place two weights in the front door
Pull weights up until the board is destroyed, then grab the key to open the door
100 Doors Seasons Part 2 Level 71 72 Hints
100 Doors Seasons Level 72 Walkthrough
Get a bottle on the left below
Place the bottle on the table, then press the bottle to point to the birds
Shake your phone to drop the key down, then grab the key to open the door
100 Doors Seasons Level 73 Guide
Get the hook on the right, then pull up a chair to the middle
Slide the bucket to the middle, then grab the rope coils and magnets
Press the hook to pick up a key to the left
Use keys to unlock doors
100 Doors Seasons Level 74 Solution
Slide each number, so that the total number of horizontal and vertical 15100 Doors Seasons Level 75 Walkhrough
Press each box in the correct order, so that all the boxes filled black balls and into the hole on the right
Continue to Level 76 77 78 79 80 on Game 100 Doors Seasons Solution
Or back to Guide 100 Doors Seasons Level 66 67 68 69 70