Sunday, December 29, 2013

Surreal Escape Walkthrough Level 21 22 23 24 25

Surreal Escape Level 21 Solution
Instructions are numbers 90 225 45 degrees on the wall
Press the white box to get three needles
Place each needle on the white dots on the left wall, then press to change the needle position as in numbers 90 225 45 degrees
Tap the needle in the following order:
Top = 2 times
Middle = 5 times
Bottom = 1 time

Surreal Escape Walthrough Level 21 22 23 24 25

Surreal Escape Level 22 Walkthrough
Tap each short line in a long line when the ball is inside the circle, so that the ball could not get out

Surreal Escape Level 23 Cheats

Tap each colored box to get it, and see the numbers on the wall, then place each box color on the white box at the bottom, so the numbers in the white box to the left and right have the same number

Surreal Escape Level 24 Guide
Pull some straight lines to connect another straight line
Pull straight line at the bottom to the right
Pull the 2nd straight line from the bottom to the left
Pull the 2nd straight line from the top to the right

Surreal Escape Level 25 Solution

Tap all the boxes on the floor to get the numbers 7549
Tap each box on the wall to display numbers: 9-5 = 4 and 7-4 = 3
Continue to Surreal Escape Level 26 27 28 29 30 Walkthrough

Related : Surreal Escape Walkthrough Level 21 22 23 24 25