Escape the Mansion Level 176 Cheats
Take a matchstick on the right door, then turn a matchstick on the box on the left wall
Use the matches to burn each axis, and then see how many times each axis lit
Change all the numbers 3 to 7 13 11 27 19 3
Escape the Mansion Level 176 177 178 179 180
Level 177 on Escape the Mansion Walkthrough
Take a hammer on the floor, then use a hammer to hit the box to the left of the door
Take a lever, then place the lever on the box at the door
See each hour
Turn the lever in accordance with their respective clock
2 times to the right, to the right 5 times, 7 times to the left, to the right 4 times, 6 times to the right
Escape the Mansion Level 178 Solution
Slide the wheel on the floor to each of the buttons on the wall, clockwise, then press the wheel to rotate in accordance with the number on the door
Level 179 on Escape the Mansion Guide
Press the board above the door until dislodgedShake your phone to drop the board
Press the wheel the left until you see the number of knots in the rope according to the numbers at the top of the door, and press the bell every number of knots in the rope appears
Escape the Mansion Level 180 Solution
Slide each rectangle to the left, right, up, and down to get a key
Continue to Level 181 182 183 184 185 on Escape The Mansion Guide
Or back to Escape the Mansion Level 171 172 173 174 175 Walkthrough